Category: Blog

  • Five Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block in 2023

    There is nothing more frustrating to me than a blank page. As a writer, I see it as either a page of possibilities or the most intimidating obstacle to overcome. The blinking cursor ticks like a timer, reminding me to hurry up and put something on the page. But as we speed into the end…

  • The Atlanta Tourist: Julia

    One of my good friends, Julia, drove up to see me last weekend. We spent most of our time running around Atlanta, shopping at different craft stores, and concocting different games for an upcoming party we’re planning. As much fun as I have crafting (and yes, we did knit for a bit!), I wanted to…

  • A New Lens on Life

    It’s been a few years since I started my photography journey (thank goodness for Photojournalism class!), but I’ve never changed lenses. Since I graduated, I’ve used the same lens that came with my Canon kit. So on Friday, after talking to other local photographers and experts, I went to Aperturent and got a new lens.…

  • Pugs and Potables

    Happy (belated) 2019! The past few months have been crazy busy for me. I started a new position at Jim Ellis Automotive last June, where I serve as the Social Media and Reputation Manager for their corporate office. I’ve also added a few more freelance projects to my portfolio and just took the role of…

  • Musician Portraits: Thomas

    Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to do a portrait session for a local musician at Red Clay Theatre. This musician wanted to showcase the piano and violin and played onstage while I snapped away. Below are a few of the photos from the session.  

  • The Year I Traveled

    Our family called 2017 “the year of travel” because we all have been on the move each week. Most of my vacation time in college I spent working, either glued to the computer for The Plainsman or at my part-time job. But this year made up for the last four, allowing me to photograph different destinations…

  • My Charleston Adventures

    It’s been nearly a month since I moved to Charleston, South Carolina, and I’ve been loving the city. There’s definitely plenty to see and do in the city–from museums to the market on Meeting Street to the nearby beaches–that I still find plenty to do each weekend. To get to know the city and its…

  • Rope Mill Park

    I’m a native of north Georgia, which is probably why I love fall the most. Seeing the leaves change color in late October/early November is probably my favorite part. But one of my favorite places to go to, both in fall and year round, is Rope Mill Park. Even though the South has been in…

  • The Tichenor Cat

    Our Photojournalism class pushes us to document various subjects in their true form. We seek the truth and try to capture it to share it with others. On Auburn University’s campus, the occasional cat can be found roaming the grounds. It’s typical for students to see at least one cat walking by the Student Center…

  • My next big project

    I have recently started to build a website for one of my classes. The professor asked me to build a Wiz website to present our class’s work to a large organization in January, which means it has to look as professional and be as interactive as possible. One of the things I’ve learned about digital…